Advanced z/OS Security: Crypto, Network, RACF and Your Enterprise (ES66G)


Who should attend

This class is intended for z/OS system programmers and security specialists in charge of designing and implementing z/OS security for web-enabled applications.


You should have:

  • General z/OS knowledge, including basic UNIX System Services skills
  • Experience configuring any of the web servers on z/OS
  • Basic knowledge of TCP/IP and RACF

Course Content

System z continues to extend the value of the mainframe by leveraging robust security solutions, to help meet the needs of todays on demand, service-oriented infrastructures. System z servers have implemented leading-edge technologies, such as high-performance cryptography, multi-level security, large-scale digital certificate authority and lifecycle management; as well as improved Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) performance, advanced Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) function, and z/OS Intrusion Detection Services. This advanced z/OS security course presents the evolution of the current z/OS security architecture. It explores in detail, the various technologies that are involved in z/OS Cryptographic Services, z/OS Resource Access Control Facility (RACF), and z/OS Integrated Security Services.

In the hands-on exercises, you begin with your own z/OS HTTP Server in a TCP/IP environment. Throughout the exercises, you make changes to the configuration to implement authentication by using RACF, SSL and the use of digital certificates. Use is made of facilities such as RACDCERT to manage digital certificates, PKI Services and RACF auto registration. You will also implement different scenarios to implement ssl security for a typical tcpip application; FTP: SSL, TLS, server authentication, client certificates and AT-TLS. These exercises reinforce the concepts and technologies being covered in the lectures.

Prices & Delivery methods

Classroom Training
Modality: C

Duration 3 days

  • Eastern Europe: 3,300.— €

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.